May 22, 2021

 Post 300 

While I've had this blog for many years, I stopped actively posting a while go, only posting sporadic thoughts here and there, and not following any particular format. The reason why is because posting began to feel more like a time-consuming chore than a joy, a must-do, a box to be tic'd. 

I've posted about everything from tech to theology to politics and everything in-between. I let my domain expire and went back to the blogspot prefix. So, is this the final nail in the coffin for The Discourse? Is it still worth talking about?

I think yes, but I've decided that rather than talk to you, I'm going to start talking to myself, for myself. I want this to be a time I enjoy, without caring who cares or what they think.  

So, that's the future...want to get to know me a little better?  Stick around. 

Nov 23, 2019

Community Churches

Connected Community-Cultural Cure


I’ve recently, over the past few years, been attending Community focused churches.  Prior to this, I’ve attended what might be described as church-to-community churches. While both are focused on spreading the gospel and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, they go about it in two different ways.


This model, (and I just made up the name because, well, I can’t think of what else to call them,) is focused on starting and ending with the church building. Most activities are focused or held at a central hub, in most cases the church building, and thus the focus of the body is to get others within the walls of the church.  

While nothing is wrong with this model in a vacuum, it fails to take into account the modern culture which naturally mistrusts large institutions and does not have any preconceived notions of trust when it comes to previous pillars of truth. Therefore an organization that starts and ends big is almost at a disadvantage when it comes to creating community.  


A community-to-community model is similar to, but not the same as, a house church model.  Community models start in homes, or at the very least have home meetings as the central theme of their model.  Unlike house church models, however, they do have one central hub or location which is used to facilitate connection, teaching, and worship...but little else. 

Instead of creating special functions within the church building, community members are expected to spread out and participate in functions already occurring within the community as a way to impact the community with the gospel via connection, injection, and participation. It starts and ends with the community, is outward-facing

Consider the below drawings as an example.  First, Community Focused…
Notice in my sad drawing, how the church is outward focused and facing...toward community.  Now consider the church focused group…
Notice how in this group it is the community that is expected to come to the church?  

So, is one superior to the other?

No, I don’t believe that at all. In fact, in some cases, the church focused model may be the best option.  However, I would argue that in a general sense for today’s culture one is far more likely to create and maintain authentic relationships capable of gospel-level change utilizing a community-based model, where the main events are focused outside, not inside the church.  

Next up?

Next up I will discuss how Genesis and separation from community were some of the first and longest-lasting consequences of sin. 

Mar 30, 2019

The Great Distraction

It's not just a sex problem, it's an intimacy problem.

Recently the Washington Post published an article in their business section, discussing how Americans , especially older (read: Baby Boomer) and younger millenals, are having less sex than ever. The Post pointed to a number of factors; including later coupling and more "entertainment" choices ( Netflix and such) as the culprits for the lack of interest in advanced snuggling amongst the latter group.  But I argue that the reason for this downward trend is lack of real intimacy. Here are a few things that I believe lead to a lack of true intimacy. 

Distractions= Avoidance 

When you are intimate with someone, physical or otherwise, you are usually going to be faced with some type of conflict, albeit large or small. You may struggle with listening or be a selfish lover or a whole host of other issues. The point is, when you open yourself up to intimacy, you open yourself up to vulenribility. You are forced to face those deep dark things you don't like about you.  And frankly, faced with that possibility, who wouldn't rather binge on Bosch (which of course, is the best Cop Drama around, available on Amazon Prime :P  ) 

Devices= Secrecy 

One glaring issue, imho, that the article fails to address is the online omnipresence of porn. I mean, why face the aforementioned when you can simply tell a complete cam stranger to do what you want, no questions asked as long as you got the cash. Not to mention the massive amounts of free content out there. The truth is real relationships again require openess, vulenribility, work, and trust. Porn requires none of that and is there, ready and waiting 24/7 on everyone's pocket computers. 

Debt and Dissapointment= Drudgery

One thing the article does point out is that later coupling plus lack of gainful employment is a big reason for the decline. I'm cheating a bit here because technically this falls under the headline of distractions, just a more focused look at one particular distraction; work and money woes. Young people today are saddled with tons of debt and a bleak market which is slowly being take over by robots. (read: automation) With no time to reflect, relax, and most important relate to one another. And so drudgery slowly sets in.

So what's the big solution? 


Yes, it is a fearful thing to be confronted by those ugly parts of ourselves we don't like, but one doesn't have to be controlled by fear. Taking time to focus on yourself and build community and communion with others is the first step towards a happy, healthy you, and yes, even more time for the aforementioned advanced snuggles. For me, I take great comfort in building community with my local church. They help me grow and stay on the path to being a better father, husband, and member of my community along with a better disciple to Christ. 

Another thing that helps is taking a small amount of time to meditate each day. Apps like Headspace or Insight Timer are great tools for this. Moreover, if the thought of reflection or vulnerability are simply too overwhelming for you, I recommend professional counseling, which I am a big fan of. To this day, I still use the app BetterHelp to speak to a therapist on a regular basis. Whichever you do it, take courage and take time to focus. Don't live a distracted life. 

And that's pretty much it. As for the other two issues, put down the device, unplug for a day, and seek accountability and transparency in your relationships. As for the debt, I'm right there with you, it's tough...but set and stick to a budget, make tough cuts where needed and don't allow stuff to clutter your soul and your life.  

My Closing Thoughts and Further Reading

While it may seem strange that I used an article about sex to delve into topics on reflection, money and community, it's really not as strange as it seems upon first blush. We have less sex as a nation because we are not intimate...and we are not intimate because we are distracted....and well, you get the picture. So what's stopping you today from being more intimate, more open and more satisfied? 

Check out: Sacred Marriage
                     24/6 (Sabbath
                     Why Don't We Listen Better
                     Sheet Music

Feb 26, 2019

Community Discussions and the danger of Echo Chambers

Firstly, yes, it's been forever since I have posted, and I apologize. Life happens. I am well, and I hope you are as well. Let's jump back in shall we? (longer, "Where I've been" post to follow sometime in the future) 

What's a Community Discussion?

It's a discussion on current topics that may otherwise be avoided due to a false sense of politeness or social decorum. After all, we aren't supposed to discuss religion or politics, right? WRONG!
If we never learn to converse on the treacherous topics, we never learn to grow, in spirit or truth. Instead we hide in an echo chamber...a safe place where everyone agrees and it's always US vs Them...and that is a dangerous place to live. In an age of tribalism, God's people must stand for unity, truth, grace and compassion to all. 

It's not about proving a point...

Discussions are not debates. Yes, disagreements will arise and emotions may even run high, but that's okay. Discussions are not zero sum endeavors (We win, they loose) . Instead they are more like investigations...inquiries into the mind and soul of your neighbor. 

Making the Most of it...

Firstly, as mentioned above, Investigate. This requires listening with your heart and mind. Don't just wait to talk and tear down. Look to the heart first, the head second. Questions like:
  • That's an interesting opinion/thought/statement. How did you come to that conclusion?
  • How long have you thought this way? Is this a belief you have always held or did you develop it later in life?  (You never know if a major event or trauma caused someone to change their mind on a long held belief.) 

Use Feeling Words!

So many people avoid the use of feeling words, but they are great ways to connect heart to soul with a neighbor. Simple examples: 
  • Sally, let me check in with sounds like this issue is very frustrating for you, I hear some frustration and anger in your voice.
  • Jim, I can see some tears and hear some trembling in your tone...this issue is very personal to you want to share about that?

Attack ideas (with love) , never people.

 If need-be, dangerous and troublesome ideas or those that do not bring us closer to Truth can be gently attacked.  A good and loving way to approach the topic:
  • Bill, thank you for sharing. Let me make sure I heard you right (accurately recap idea, wait for affirmative response) Well, I have to respectfully disagree, It's my understanding that the facts state (gently give your side)

End with Love

It's never easy to share opinions, thoughts or ideas especially ones that people hold very near and dear. People stake their very identity in long held traditional belief systems. Something along the lines of this can prove very loving and helpful...

  • Whitney, even though we strongly disagreed on some issues tonight, I want you to know that I love you and am thankful for you. I am going to go home and reflect on some of the things you shared. I am glad you are here and grateful for your friendship.
While it may seem axiomatic, it is nevertheless important to reaffirm your love and friendship before the sun sets.

May God bless you richly in your future discussions.

For Further Reading

Check out this book for more info on listening better. (It is also available on the Liby or Hoopla Library Apps. Check your AppStore/Playstore for more info) 

May 23, 2015

Teach me how to Duggar

Forgiveness doesn’t mean freedom from natural consequences…

Thanks for Visiting Derek's Discourse